
Thank you for helping Second Harvest, At The Core, local schools and other partners feed hungry kids in our community. Your Bite2Go donation will provide weekend food supplies to children in need during the school year.

Enter your donation amount below. Once you choose your amount and click Next, you will have the option to designate a specific school or choose "Use my gift where it's needed most" to benefit the general Bite2Go fund. Please check "I would like my donation to recur" if you would like to make monthly, yearly or other ongoing donations. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit cards are accepted.

All of your donation information is secure and confidential. To set up automatic monthly gifts from your checking account or for more information on other ways to donate, please contact or (509) 252-6276. Click At The Core to learn more about this group's work to feed hungry kids in our community.

Bite2Go Spokane

YES! I want to help feed hungry kids over the weekend!
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Yearly gift of $180/student (please also check the "I would like my donation to recur" box below) $0.00

Monthly gift of $15/student (please also check the "I would like my donation to recur" box below) $0.00
Open the calendar popup.